Meet Daniella

My journey

My name is Daniella, and through my own personal experiences of rejection, pain, growth, connection and empowerment, I discovered I had a Life Purpose- greater than I ever dreamed! I was working as a psychologist, giving people strategies to cope with life and manage mental health difficulties, which I loved! Yet I was starting to feel frustrated. I couldn’t put my finger on why.

As I worked through my own life challenges, I was lead start focusing on myself and connect consciously with who I am. I started to discover that I was feeling frustrated with my work because something was lacking- in both the way I was living and what I was able to offer those I was working with. I was helping and guiding people, almost solely on an external level, but there was more to what I could (should) do!

I needed to start focusing more Intrinsically. There were Souls out there that were “lost” and needed connection, guidance and healing. I needed to work with them- I needed to start changing my focus and start working with people from the Inside… Out. I wanted to help people experience a journey I had been on- help them to look within themselves- to create a conscious awareness, and discover their truth and wholeness. To honour their soul….. their essence and heal themselves holistically…

You are worth it!

I work holistically as a conscious psychologist and life coach, honouring my intuition and spiritual connection, because guiding people, helping people and healing people; watching them grow from being “lost” to consciously aware, re-connected and transforming into who they are, completely fulfils me with purpose, gratitude, energy and passion. I believe in a life of integrity, authenticity, value and meaning, and being able to honour who I am and guide people on their own journeys fills me with gratitude.

I have met a few people through my journey who have guided and inspired me. I have met a number of beautiful souls who have become the best of friends too.  My life has become richer and I have owned and honoured my true purpose and Soul; and I want this for you too! I am so excited to have the opportunity to guide and support you in experiencing such amazing and beautiful changes in your lives too…

Overcoming Fears

My greatest challenge in my journey has been working through my own fears and self-doubts; and standing up for what I believe in even in the face of society’s limited or narrow views. This has provided me with the greatest of gifts though, as it both inspired me to write my program/ book and it has given me life experiences so that I might understand more fully what my clients have or are experiencing in their own journeys. I continue to work on myself and I continue to learn- my lessons are for my clients to grow from, and so that I might be able to be at my highest as I shine my light for all to find their own Soul- their conscious awakening, truth, authenticity and purpose.

Work with Daniella 1-on-1

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