In speaking with a client yesterday, the realization of the way of society and of societal and media influences now days really hit me… for so many of us, feeling lost and disconnected, life is about working, making money and existing in a life evolving unconsciously and without awareness, around those 2 ‘core’ aspects. I speak frequently to the power of conscious, value-guided choices that enhance our lives, bringing awareness, growth, meaning and purpose in the ‘longer-term’. Such choices and behaviours are often more difficult to implement. The “easier”, safer, more enticing choices and behaviours will frequently result in more immediate enjoyment and gratification, yet the effects are frequently only short-lived.
In this place of disconnect and unhappiness; as well as unfulfillment with life and self, we may often resort to the power of materialism. Of course, there is nothing wrong in purchasing something. However when the “cost” (emotional as well as potentially financial) out-weighs the benefits, this is possibly a choice that requires a raised level of awareness and consciousness. The short-term benefits may be superseded by a range of emotions such as guilt, embarrassment or fear after spending money, or even without spending money. There is unhappiness and frustration around this hamster-wheel of life you have woken up in… Through conscious choices and realisations, you can make a difference. Through consciously connecting to your values and making value-based actions and decisions…investing your time and money into EXPERIENCES, rather than materialistic clutter- experiences and opportunities to bring value and meaning into your life, to fill you with pleasure and a greater sense of well-being through the idea of a more conscious, purpose-filled life and lifestyle. THAT is where the power lies. That is where you meaning and fulfilment in life lies… Awareness and conscious value-guided choices and actions… intrinsic empowerment!